At the beginning of each Exercise file, there is a header in YAML format. There are two lines with a separator (---) only, and the header is between them. The required keys are type (string) and name (string). All the others are ExT-dependent (Exercise Type dependent). There is ExT-dependent content after the second separator.


type: "EqEx"
name: "Sample name"
 - first image.jpg
 - second image.jpg

The project has been made by students of 8th High School of Maria Skłodowska-Curie in Katowice (class 2d in 2020/2021).
© 2021 Nircek (Marcin Zepp), Marwyk2003 (Marcin Wykpis), miloszwasacz (Miłosz Wąsacz), MichalTheProgrammer (Michał Szymocha)
This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU AGPL v3 or later.